So, I'm not sure how many times that I've been "determined" to keep this blog up, but I figure it's a new year and I'll try again! I'd like to be able to keep our friends and family that aren't here to see our little monkey grow updated! AND as our second little peanut grows, keep y'all up on him/her as well!
This last year has been so amazing with our little man coming into the world and living in Lubbock has been wonderful. It's so great to have so much family in town! Rogan has been thoroughly spoiled by his grandparents and great-grandparents. I'm not going to try and catch up on all that I haven't written about, but rather pick up right here and keep going! Rogan will be 10 MONTHS OLD next week!! He's been healthy for the last few weeks, which has been a blessing. After an ear infection, 2 bouts of hand foot mouth virus, and then mono the second week of the year, it's been quite a ride. Next week he will have some more blood work done because when he was really sick a few weeks ago they did a bunch of blood work(which is how they found out he had mono) but his lipid panel came back with his triglycerides ridiculously high--574! They should be below 99. So I'm praying that they are normal and it was just a lab error! Anyway. He's such a happy and easy little baby, it's hard to see him sick! Right now he has a little cough but the doctor said he was fine. Maybe it's just this crazy weather we've been having! The windchill last week was subzero, then Saturday was beautiful, then it snowed yesterday, was nice today, and then another arctic blast is blowing in tomorrow night. BRRR!
Tonight one of my best friends had to go to the hospital to deliver her baby after they found that there was no longer a heart beat. My heart aches so much for her and her husband. This is not the first time for this to happen to them and I simply can not imagine the pain that they are feeling yet again. I know God is in control but it is so hard not to just ask why? Why does this have to happen to them AGAIN!? And yet our lives and the lives of our babies are not our own. They are his from the very beginning. This is something I have to remind myself daily as I watch our little boy grow and fight against worries and fears that something could happen to him or to the little peanut that grows inside of me right now. I know He is sovereign and I know He is in control, but letting go completely is so hard.
Well, it's late and the monkey is in bed and peanut(or rather fig--that's how big he/she is this week) is causing some ickiness, so I'm thinking of hitting the sack early.
I'm soooo going to keep this up! You just wait! I'll leave you with a pic...